Title: Wants and Needs (drabble)
Paring: Han Geng/ Heechul
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Warning: Mentions of kissing. Un-beta'd
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: Can be read from whichever perspective. Written with Heechul POV in mind. Uses the 'You' style of writing. A/N at the end.
Summary:But it seems farther than a memory.
When he tells you that he still loves you, you tell him that he's a liar. It's easier that way, deeming yourself as victim instead of the one at fault.
You didn't see the signs. It had all pointed to him after all. And you were always looking the opposite of his direction. Where do you go now? He affects you so much you hate it. His mere inexistence in your life is enough to rub salt on your wounds. It's enough to justify his leaving. Enough to point fingers at your faults. So how do you move on? When all you see is the empty space he had left. And it feels like you're in love with a dream--after you had woken up there was nothing left of it. And you try so desperately to convince yourself that it (the 'us') had indeed come into existence. But it seems farther than a memory.
Whenever he would kiss you and whisper I love you, you would tell him that you like him. And you always meant to differentiate the two. You just needed someone to love you, not someone to love. There was a big difference right there and you know it breaks his heart. He makes you feel good but that was it.
When you were with whoever you wanted to play with next, they say 'I love you' and you blush and lie to their faces.
You say, 'I love you too'.
You just needed someone to love you anyway.
It didn't come to you that you were only willing to be honest to him.
But two years later you were already lying to his face too. You say, 'I'm fine. Please live happily.'
You just wanted to love him. It didn't really mean that he should love you too, right?
Does anyone remember me? Anyone? No one at all? ;____;
I survived the Earthquake and two gruesome exams and I'm thisclose to summer vacation which I'm pretty sure won't be very vacation-y.
So here, I hope you enjoyed the drabble I've to unearthed in my box of drabbles (no, it does not exist).
This one's a little too rough around the edges and barely edited. Nonetheless, I hope you take what I have to offer. *sincerely bows*
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