I made another new bead figure - I gave Harry a beaded friend last time, so I figured it would now be time for
someone a little less friendly, because what would the hero of the wizarding world be without the guy who gets his arse kicked by a couple of kids on a regular basis the most dangerous and feared dark wizard of all times?
After the failed experiment with Hermione's mouth, I opted to make him moutless again.
He's also rather taller than bead!Harry, because I'm planning to make a few more figures that require more detail, which is hard to do if they're too tiny. But I guess the sizes work out nicely if you just say that bead!Harry is still an ickle first year.
Can't we just all get along?
Heh. Nagini's reading over Hermione's shoulder.
Also, an open letter of sorts -
Dear Amazon,
please rest assured that you're very dear to my heart. You've supplied me with countless hours of entertainment in the form of books, CDs and DVDs promply and reliably, and your services are very much appreciated. And while I know your main reason for doing it is because you want to sell more stuff, so are your recommendations of new things you think I might like based on what I bought from you before.
That being said, however? Please stop recommending me Twilight. I'm starting to take this personally.
Yours sincerely,