This is my deck of cards

Apr 28, 2006 22:57

Harry: 7 <3

Andrea: no question I would be the Queen of hearts or diamonds

Sam: I am t3h Queen of Diamonds
don cha know?

Dan: you know way too many people are going to say Ace of Spades. Just to be different, I'll say Jack of Diamonds.

Jawaad: Jack of Clubs. 'cause then I'd be a badass Blackjack.
I wouldn't want to be the Kings of Hearts, but he's got an awesome nickname--"the Suicide King"

Michelle: The ace of spades cuz its all badass lookin

Erin: Seven of hearts.

Andy: Easy, Ace of Spades

The sex card.
I think XD

David: The Jack. There's something about him. He's not a little kid, and he's not just some angsty teenager, but he's not the big guy with all the power. He's like a 20-something who feels on top of the world. And that can be a nice feeling.

Jane: i would be the queen of hearts!!

John: two of clubs - the trump everyone forgets

Jackie: undoubtedly the joker

Kramer: Joker

If you want to add your own response below, feel free. Or just comment on what other people have said. Stupid posts or posts without names attached will be deleted :P sorry, but that's not the point of the game. New questions will appear in my away message whenever I feel it's time for a new one.
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