Nov 29, 2006 08:30
So, I haven't really updated like I promised I would, but that's due to this stubborn cold that just won't go away. I've found that my colds tend to last a lot longer / come and then reappear since being in Japan. Maybe being in Japan makes me catch colds easier? Who knows, right? Probably the needless stressing I do and this whole going-to-bed-late thing.
Well, I'll update once I feel better. I feel pretty crappy. Haha. On the bright side, I had a chance to meet up with my friend Mio from Hokkaido today. She came down to Kyoto and it was super fun, even though I was sick and stuff. But tonight? Going to bed early. Like right after I post this entry I'm heading to bed. So with that, I go.
Later, all.