Originally published at
marshmallow sky. Please leave any
comments there.
Insomnia sucks. Lately it seems that my brain won’t shut off when I lay down. And it’s silly stuff really I’m thinking about like the socks and heels I’d wear as a pre-teen and think were cool, or my first flight overseas. Hoping to sleep well tonight. /crosses fingers.
Fail tanks back to back in Halls of Origination tonight. During one hour my pug went through 4 of em.
Better instance run in Deadmines. Thanks Axton for tanking! I’m still giggling who we both died on the lazers. Good times.
Decided to start working on trade skills tonight. For some reason glyphs are running up to 200 a pop on my server. Not sure who started this trend but I figured I’d give it a whirl myself. Anyone know why such the inflation on low level glyphs?