now what??

Apr 26, 2006 18:29

Guess who was just elected the president of the anthropology club at NAU. Yeah. Me. Kind of out of the blue, kind of not. Our coup against the current administration succeeded. The old president was kind of power-trippy, annoying. But I also said that if I got elected, the positions would be absolved. So I guess that's what will happen first. Either way, this should be an interesting next semester...good thing I'm not taking 18 units like I planned. And I figure since Kevin won't be up here, I'll have a lot of time to get stuff done. Hopefully I'll get my one project done, the one I've been working on since the beginning of last semester.
Ah well, either way, I'm happy cause so many people like me. Hehhee, it's a little vain, but 10 out of 14 people voted for me. Awesome. Yay ego boost. not disappoint them.
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