Just a quick post to let you know I'm alive...a mish-mosh of my friends' quiz thingies.

Jan 11, 2005 08:20

[My name is]: Arianna
[In the morning I am]: usually glad to be alive. Usually.
[I dream about]: Usually marriage and sex. Single-mindedness anyone?

[What do you notice first?]: Eyes, smile....I have thing about guy's necks, too. If they wear a chain, forget it. I'm gone.
[Last person you slow danced with]: Wow...that would be Josh...something like a year ago. I don't dance much (at least not vertically ;-) )

[You talked to on the phone]: my daddy. :-D
[Hugged]: CJ
[You instant messaged]: Holy shit bunnies...who? Um...ah...probably Nick.
[You laughed with]: Dan, my roomate.

[Could you live without the computer?]: Yes, but you think I'm bored now...
[What’s your favorite food?]: I've realized I don't have one.
[What's your favorite fruit?]: Pineapple all the way. (Tim put strawberries...oooh...kinky...:-P)
[What hurts the most? emotional pain or physical pain]: I totally hate this question. Everyone knows the answer to this one. Sheez.
[Trust others way too easily?]: Remember who you're talking to.

[Of times I have had my heart broken?]: hm...once, I guess. I was upset and I felt betrayed, so I suppose it counts.
[Of hearts I have broken?]: 19,000,000...and that's in human sacrifices alone.
[Of boys I have kissed?]: Only the three I've shared romantic history with.
[Of girls I have kissed?]: That would be none.
[Of drugs taken illegally?]: zero
[Of tight friends?]: Jamie, Brandy, Cherri, Loki, Amie, Johnny, Kent....seven. And Naomi, Kym, Cyndi, Lauren, Salome, Jacqueline, and Andrew are all kind of making their way there. But knowing me, just because I'm not one to have 90 billion close friends...I don't think everyone on that list'll eventually count.
[Of CD’s that I own?]: Over 100, that's all I know.

[Of scars on my body?]: Quite a few on my legs, actually.
[Of things in my past that I regret?]: One thing in particular, but it had to happen for me and Robert to realize we really liked each other, so I guess I don't fully regret it.

[Wuss]: Not really. Not physically, anyway. I guess emotionally, if you push the right buttons and I care enough I can be.
[Druggie]: No. I swear. Stop looking at me like that.
[Gang member]: Yo, ass me dat question one mo time, man, and I get my posse on yo ass! Crips, what what!!! (kidding, of course)
[Daydreamer]: Yep.
[Alcoholic]: hells no
[Freak]: I think that may be going a tad far.
[Brat]: nope
[Sarcastic]: Dude, it's actually in my veins. I got it from my mom's side.
[Goody-goody]: Ah, I'm not a bad person, but I think I'm kinda far from a goody-goody.
[Angel]: HAHAHAHAHA...no.
[Devil]: The few enemies I have would probably say yes, but no.
[Friend]: As much of one as I can be.
[Shy]: Gee, I don't know guys...am I shy?
[Talkative]: Let's put it this way, yesterday my friend CJ stopped me in the middle of a story to tell me that I have the talent of talking all on one breath for a very long time. You be the judge of that one.
[Adventurous]: Depends.
[Intelligent]: I believe I am, yes.

[Impacted you the most spiritually]: BWAHAHAHAHA....you obviously haven't met my friends.
[Wish you saw more often]: Not counting Robert? Actually Amie...I haven't seen her since October.
[Wish you could meet]: Pretty much all of my friends who have been my online friends for like 1, 2 years.
[Most sarcastic]: I'd have to say Andrew on that one.
[Wish you knew better]: Um...whoever I know least.
[Knows you best]: haha...Brandy and Cherri win that one.
[Best outlook on life]: I think Amie's got a great one going.
[Most paranoid]: That would most likely be me...if I could be my own friend.
[Sweetest]: Brandy, I think...though they're all pretty damned sweet.

[Your best feature (personality)]: Loyalty
[Your biggest flaw (personality)]: insecurity...I also tend to be kind of unforgiving, depending on what someone does to me.
[Most annoying thing you do]: haha...Timm says not talking, I say talking too much. That or seeing problems where there are none.
[Biggest mistake you've made thus far]: I don't know. Most of the mistakes I make work out in the end, so I don't see them as mistakes so much as lessons.
[Describe your personality in one word]: spunky (it's a word alot of people I know have used, so what the hell?)
[The physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: My eyes and my lips.
[Height]: 5'3"
[A smell that makes you smile]: burning flesh...I mean...Nautica.
[A city you'd like to visit]: Barcelona
[A drink you order most often]: lemonade
[A delicious dessert]: Your father covered in chocolate sauce.
[A book(s) you highly recommend]: Get Nancy A. Harris's Sonja Blue collection. Amazing, AMAZING vampire stories.
[The music you prefer while alone]: 200 Songs to Masturbate By...great collection, let me tell you.
[Your favorite band]: Linkin Park
[A film you could watch over and over]: Terminator 2. Always.
[A TV show you watch regularly]: It WAS the O.C., before I came here. That, House, and Scrubs.
[You live in a(n)]: dorm and a house
[Your transportation]: While I'm here, any I can get. At home, a black Maxima. (Timm, man, you name your car?)
[Your cologne or perfume]: Ralph Lauren: Blue
[Under your bed or in your closet you hide]: erm....clothes?
[Something important on your night table]: My computer.

L A Y E R . O N E :
-- Name: Arianna
-- Birthday: March 26th, 1986
-- Birthplace: Edison, NJ
-- Eye Color: A really annoyingly dark brown
-- Hair Color: I used to say black, but apparently it's just a really really dark brown.
-- Height: 5'3"
-- Righty Or Lefty: Righty

L A Y E R . T W O :
-- Your Heritage: Wow...ready? African, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Chinese, French, Blackfoot, Cree, and Portuguese.
-- The Shoes You Wore Today: Haven't gotten a shower yet, so none.
-- Your Weakness: My friends, family, and fiancee
-- Your Fears: I don't think I'll put that out there...you sick fucks. 
-- Your Perfect Pizza: Regular ol' cheese, with the fluffy crust
-- Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get through it with everyone I care about intact and safe.

L A Y E R . T H R E E :
-- Your Most Overused Phrase: "fuck"
-- Your Thoughts First Waking Up: I have morning amnesia, so "Where am I, what happened yesterday, what's going on now?"
-- Your Best Physical Feature: I don't know. From what I've heard, my face. I honestly have no clue.
-- Your Bedtime: Whenever.
-- Your Most Missed Memory: Hanging around with Robert with no adult responsibilities.

L A Y E R . F O U R :
-- Pepsi Or Coke: NO SODA!!
-- McDonald's Or Burger King: McDonald's, bitch.
-- Single Or Group Dates: Both have their ups and downs.
-- Lipton Ice tea Or Nestea: Not really a huge tea drinker...
-- Chocolate Or Vanilla: Ice cream? Vanilla. Candy? Chocolate.
-- Cappuccino Or Coffee: NO COFFEE!!

L A Y E R . F I V E : Do You...
-- Smoke: HELLS no.
-- Cuss: I think it kind of kicked in my 18th birthday. Yeah.
-- Sing: Yes yes yes.
-- Take A Shower Everyday: Yes.
-- Do You Think You've Been In Love: Yes. *goofy assed grin*
-- Want To Go To College: If I could have gotten by without it, I probably would have, but I can't. So I'm here.
-- Liked High School: Um...it was okay. I was home most of the time. Though...wait...PCC was my high school. So I take that back. Yes.
-- Want To Get Married: You know the answer to this one.
-- Believe In Yourself: Um...depends on what I have to do.
-- Get Motion Sickness: If I read long enough in the car, yes, I do.
-- Think You're Attractive: I think I'm okay.
-- Think You're A Health Freak: HAHAHAHAHA.....wow...that's funny.
-- Get Along With Your Parents: I don't know...are they being assholes in this scenario?
-- Like Thunderstorms: For the most part, yes.
-- Play An Instrument: Piano, and I know enough about the drums that I could theoretically play them.

L A Y E R . S I X : In The Past Month...
-- Drank Alcohol: Champagne, to bring in the new year.
-- Smoked: Again...HELLS no.
-- Done A Drug: I hung out with Robert :-)
-- Gone On A Date: Ah...we went and "saw a movie"...I mean we went to the movie, but...never mind.
-- Gone To The Mall: Christmas shopping kind of dictates that.
-- Eaten An Entire Box Of Oreos: Eew.
-- Eaten Sushi: Ick.
-- Been On Stage: No. Kind of wish I could be. The next time won't be for a few months.
-- Been Dumped: Oh God, don't joke about that.
-- Gone Skinny Dipping: The world does not want to see me naked.

L A Y E R . S E V E N : Ever...
-- Been Trashed Or Extremely Intoxicated: What do you think?
-- Been Called A Tease: Nope.
-- Gotten Beaten Up: Not really. I haven't been in many fights, so...
-- Shoplifted: on purpose... no.  (This was Jamie's answer, but it matches me, too)

L A Y E R . E I G H T :
-- How Do You Want To Die: Of old age
-- What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up:  A psychologist or a writer.
-- What Country Would You Most Like To Visit: Surprisingly, I think Spain I want to go to the most.

L A Y E R . N I N E : In a girl/guy
-- Best Eye Color: Green is sexy.
-- Best Hair Color: I've realized that even though I don't really go by looks, the guys I've always been intensely attracted to have had dark hair (brown or black), but none of the ones I hooked up with did until Robert. Weird.
-- Short Or Long Hair: Depends on the guy. But I'm marrying a guy with short hair, so...
-- Height: As long as you're taller than me, I don't care.
-- Best Weight: As long as you're not Godzilla I don't particularly care.
-- Best article of clothing: Pants.

L A Y E R . T E N :
-- Number Of Drugs Taken: 0
-- Number Of People I Could Trust With My Life: If we don't count family, 7.
-- Number Of CDs That I Own: More than 100...I think I said this already.
-- Number Of Piercings: 2...one in each eear.
-- Number Of Tattoos: 1...a dragon on my left thigh with my name in Chinese next to it.
-- Number Of Things In My Past That I Regret: See above.

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