Jun 28, 2006 12:50
I'm sure there are at least a few people out there trying to figure out what the hell happened to me. For the few people I am in semi-constant contact with you may have noticed I've been slightly MIA since about Thursday.
To be honest, I'm not sure where it started, where I picked it up, nothing. It could've been the Cambells Chunky Grilled Sirloin and Vegtable soup, it could've been a customer I came into contact with, it could be some family member of mine acting as a carrier, I'm not sure. All I know is that I am the sickest I have ever been in my life, and I had the measles when I lived in Germany so I'm pretty damn sick.
So Thursday night most everyone was out, I was home alone for awhile but wasn't really that hungry so I just kinda chilled watching some movie or something. A little later on my grandparents come home and ask me if I want to go out to eat, I politely refused stating I just wasn't that hungry but they were welcome to go without me. So around 11:30 I think I got online and talked to Josh and Maris for a minute and then asked Josh to pick between Spaghettios and Chunky Cambell stuff and he picked the latter so I went with it. Well I ended up throwing up and had to take a bath, after that went to bed.
Woke up the next morning and threw up again but went to work anyways (stupid, I know.) where I informed my grandfather. I don't think he really believed me and just put me to work. I was moving very slow and was telling Claire I felt really bad to which she told me I should just go home. So I asked my grandfather again and he was like "You can go home after I come back from lunch" Gee thanks. In all fairness I don't think anyone could've predicted how bad I ended up getting. So of course he decided to take a long lunch that day. By that time I had on a coat because I was so cold despite it being 105 outside. Needless to say, all my coworkers thought I was fucking insane. So my granddad comes back and is like "Come back in an hour if you can". Ha! I went home, fell in the bed and didn't wake up until my grandmother came home from work and asked me why I was in bed. I explained the situation to her and she said "oh I'm sorry I'll let you sleep" and left.
It was about this time I started losing track of days. I think for the most part I slept that night, maybe vomiting only once or twice. I told my grandfather I wasn't going to work despite his request and rolled over and went to bed. It was during the day I started getting really bad off. I'm one of those people who, when sick, just doesn't eat or drink very much. A sip here, a bite there, only enough to take my medicine. So that afternoon when I started vomiting six and seven times it was bad news for me because I really didn't have anything to throw up. I think at this point in time my fever was 102 borderline 103 degrees. I wasn't sleeping but maybe 30 minutes at a time because of a mix between the vomiting and fever.. I had multiple baths, kept getting the chills, sweating the fever, getting more chills, and then of all times I started my period. I was told later this was related to my "condition".
Saturday people were asking me if I wanted to see a doctor. Now my father is in the military so I am covered under Tricare Insurance which means if I want everything free I have to get seen on a base, in this case Fort Jackson. Now for those who have been lucky enough never to have to go to the Urgent Care Clinic at an army base you might not be aware that you can wait anywhere from 2 hours to 15 hours to get served. Despite my pain I was trying to tell myself sitting in a waiting room where I would have to battle for a bathroom if the need to vomit arised I was not going to help me very much and that most stomach virus strains go away after two or three days so time was close. If only I was so lucky.
Sunday came. More vomiting, more 103 degree fever despite medication so they forced me to the hospital. What a friggin' joke. So I go in, I've got a fever and my symptoms are bad so I'm in a paitent room pretty fast, but the doctor doesn't come to see me for almost 2 hours. That stupid fuck. You know what he did? He checked my ears and shoved a popsicle stick down my throat. I never saw him again. He didn't ask me any questions, didn't check my stats, didn't even check my lymphnodes. He told me I was dehydrated and that he would be sending me fluids. Now stupid ass me thought "oh fluids like a drink before he comes back". No, fluids as in stick a fucking IV needle in your arm and hook you up to two bags. Now I don't doubt at all those fluids weren't needed, but I fail to see where that's really treating me. After I finished with that they gave me some tylenol and some phen for nausea and sent me home. FUCKING TYLENOL. I could buy that on my own you twits.
So yeah I go home and take the medicine they gave me and I only got worse. My temperature reached 104.4 degrees and wouldn't come down. The bath didn't work, the medicine didn't work, I was highly delirious, dizzy, and pretty much spent the night in the bath. Anyways, by about 6:45 AM I was able to sleep so my grandmother went to work thinking I would be okay. Hahaha. So she gets home from work and they have to rush me to the UCC at Fort Jackson. I can't walk by myself at this point in time.. and to be honest I thought I was going to die and started crying because I wasn't going to get to tell people I loved them. Well the night shift is much more effective than they day shift. They rushed me back to a room as soon as possible despite a room full of people and began asking me all my symptoms, where I hurt, when it began, everything that should've been asked in the first place. The doctor I had was very nice and told me they were going to do a bunch of tests to figure out what was wrong with me.
And oh boy did they. I got bloodwork and x-rays and uranlysis more IVs and blood pressure tests and just about everything friggin possible. The blood work was kind of funny because it took them 45 minutes to draw 7 vials of blood and when they finished I looked down and I had blood all over my pants and shoes and hand and it was on the floor and on the medic. It really looked like someone had stabbed me which is kind of true because my blood kept clotting so I have like 5 holes in my left arm between the blood and the IVs.
Everyone was really nice and I was very thankful because I still didn't know if I was dying. When everything was finished the doctor came back in and told me that there were a few problems. They don't know why I'm sick. They don't know what is causing it. All they really know is that out of a 10,000 count, I have 5,400 blood platlets and 5,700 white blood cells. She told me that while a low count on both of those was often and indication of mono, I had tested negative and that while some virus strains usually lowered one group it was uncommon for them to lower both groups to such an extent. She said that if my platelets got much lower they would admit me into the hospital and that they would call me in the morning to make an appointment for me to come back the next day and recheck them.
I went back home, only threw up once that night but woke up around 4:45 with a really bad fever so I hopped in the bath and stupidly forgot to tell anyone. So being unable to stand up on my own or even really talk in a voice loud enough to wake up anyone I was in the bathtub until 6:20 when the hospital called to make an appointment (they don't shit when they say morning) which is where my grandmother found me. I made an appointment for 10:40 and had my grandmother help me out of the tub. Tried to go back to sleep but was too chilled and by this point I had developed a severely sore throat which I still have. So after being up since 4:45 I went to the hospital where they gave me some doctor I'd never met and who had to spend 20 minutes looking up why I was even there and what she was supposed to be doing with me. After finally figuring out I needed blood tests she sent me to the lab where they poked me in the right arm since my left arm looks like I'm a heroin junkie.
While we waited for the results I tried to eat something but only managed 5 bites or so. The results came back and I found out my platelets had gone up by about 400 counts but that my white blood cells were only up about 100. So the stupid bitch told me not to come back for two weeks despite the other doctor telling me to come in daily for at least 3 days.
Woke up this morning and my fever is climbing back up to 101 as I type this. I don't know what is going to happen to me but I figured I should put up some kind of explination. I'll also be posting this in livejournal so if you see it again just disregard it.