For those who are interested in watching a low quality GSD Special Edition II in Raw... you can find the torrent in
Just finish watching it... and I must say there are quite a bit of changes, not only to the pacing but to the character interaction.
Without subtitle and my none-existing Japanese skill... I have picked up these few points just by watching the animation:
1. Fukuda is definately fixing ShinnLuna... He's taken out all the scene where Luna is being "friendly" to Athrun... and added many scenes where she looks at Shinn as if in thought... She, instead of Athrun was assigned to pick Shinn up after he send out a distress signal, and looks slightly jealous for the ShinnStella intimate interaction...
2. Fukuda (unfortunately) also seems to be fixing AsuCaga... Not only did he thinks of Cagalli quite a bit more, he even talks about her with Shinn twice already... It seems she's quite a controversal topic between the two :) I think I am feeling a little bit less anger towards Athrun... but still I'd much rather Fukuda stuck with the original series and give me ShinnCaga for the next series ; ;
3. Shinn and Athrun seems to have more meaning conversation... Instead of Athrun mobing around and bottle up everything and act cool, he seemed more open to Shinn this time around... even initiated "a talk" with Shinn before going off to fight Orb... imo, that's very sensible of him, it probably is a tough battle to fight for Shinn, and Athrun trying to talk to him about it make suited the seasoned soldier that Athrun should have been in the original series. :)
4. Rey's motive seems clearly... A new conversation about what he thinks about the war (and probably humanity) has been added to the tea party scene so it's great for those who find him a mystery.
5. Cagalli and Kira are turning into minor side characters... and I mean VERY MINOR SIDE CHARACTERS... with Cagalli's scene being cut out soooo much it makes me cry... her wedding episod merely an intro... the "amazing dress" line from Kira got cut ; ;~ (sigh... at least he "smiled" at her... ; ;~) I would really want to watch the dubbed version though... it seems like the added/reused a speech by Uzumi from GS to reflect Cagalli's feeling when Orb's force refused her orders and continue to fight... I think it would help us understand her feelings.
6. I think Lacus didn't get a line in this SE :x (so far)... I also didn't find the hugging scene from the cap... maybe my raw is missing some scenes... it also doesn't have any OP or ED... :(
7. With that said, it seems Shinn really is the "MAIN" character this time around with most of the story revolving around him. There's still many Athrun scenes but Kira and AA's side has certainly been chopped off a lot.
8. As mentioned in 2. it seems Fukuda is trying to fix AsuCaga by having Athrun mentioned Cagalli's name quite a few times... (about 4-5 times in one SE)... compare to like none in the original series. He also cut out the harem by a lot. There is one implied AsuMeer scene and one implied AsuMey scene... There seems to be an altered (extra long) speech where Athrun thought about Cagalli after he found out Kira had kidnapped Cagalli from her wedding...
So far... my feelings are mixed... I do not want to go back to the old ways of AsuCaga.. but it also seems like that's what we will be stuck at... I am feeling a little better with Athrun... a little better for Shinn and a little better for Luna... but I also feel GSD lost the "flair" and is turning more blend... if you know what I mean?