Wrote it somewhere else, but I thought I would post, b/c it explains who I am!

Aug 29, 2004 14:47

I am reading "The Tipping Point" as part of my work reading they gave me. And it has helped me pin point some things about myself. Tipping point meaning that climactic moment where suddenly something takes off. The book refers to the spread of hush puppies, STDs, but it also talks about people's relationships with others. It also had an explanation of different types of people. Well, it had you read this list of last names and have you identify how many people you know (who would also know you) with that same last name. Well, through a series of different questions, explanations, etc, I would definitely say I am the classic case of a "Connector".
It actually helps me understand why I don't just have one close social circle of friends, why I enjoy and like to get to know lots of people, and why I have many friends and acquaintances. Most people don't feel obliged like me to send birthday cards to everyone they know, go out to dinner with every person on their social list, etc. The author compares collectors to people with other hobbies, like people who collect stamps. But I collect people. I'm not self-serving or trying to benefit from it in some deceiving way, but I am just really happy having people as friends and also others at a "weak tie" or acquaintance level. Ah, a special moment of truth. :)
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