Dec 21, 2008 23:58
This was by far the worst weekend I have had in a very long time. Not only because the holidays creep closer. Started Friday afternoon. FUCKING SNOW. We got about a 10"-a foot of snow thus ruining all of my plans to go see my girlfriend.
All day Saturday I was extremely stressed about being home all day. To the point where it made my chest hurt. I love my family but I hate living with them and being around them when they are all together. It is extremely stressful.
All day Sunday sucked as well. Ended up with 4 more inches of snow on the ground. Around 6 p.m. I was going to run to the store and ended up getting my car stuck in my yard in over a foot of snow and got pissed off to the point where it made me sick... I don't like getting like that.
I am looking forward to spending Christmas alone. Without my family.