Study Buddies! - Chapter 4

Nov 04, 2007 15:52

Title: Study Buddies!
Rating: T
Summary: The shinigami have to attend school while on their mission. Stupidity follows.
Disclaimer: I don't own a lot of things.

“Use Chapter 23 to answer the following questions.” The paper read.

“So, Chapter 23 it is,” Ichigo said as he sat on the floor in his room surrounded by shinigami, yet again. He quickly flipped the pages in the textbook until he reached Chapter 23. “Hey, where are your textbooks?” as he realized that none of them had one.

“Oh, I forgot…” began Rukia.

“Did not. Remember we said we were gonna copy the answers from Ichigo since the textbooks are too damn heavy,” interjected Matsumoto.

“Matsumoto!” yelled the shinigami.

“Huh,” she looked at their faces that all read'you-idiot-you-weren't suppose-to-say-that'and then at Ichigo’s pissed off one, “oh, oops. Forgot that he was here, hee hee.”

“You were gonna copy from me, eh? Well then you can just forget about this whole thing!” shouted Ichigo.

“NO, Ichigo, please, we really need your help. In fact, I have an idea. You give us hints to figure out the answer, after you’ve read the text, so we can do work as well,” supplied Rukia.

“Fine,” he said sullenly.

Thank God I thought of that, otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten help with this stupid homework, thought Rukia.

“So, the first question is, ‘The brain is part of the -blank space here-nervous system as well as the -blank space here- nervous system,” read Renji.

“Hang on, there are two nervous systems, I thought there was just one,” said Ikkaku.

“No, the nervous system is divided into two, and those divisions are divided as well,” said Ichigo as he read the pages. “Ah, found it. Now you have to guess!”


“So, first blank. Um… I can’t come up with a hint, so I’ll just tell you that the answer is central.”

“Really, yay!” exclaimed Rukia.

“But I gotta a hint for the second blank. What’s the vision were you can see out the corner of your eyes?”

“Uh, the 'out of the corner of your eyes nervous system',” suggested Ikkaku.

“No, idiot!” Ichigo said as he punched Ikkaku. “There’s a special name for it.”

“How was I supposed to know! We don’t learn these things in Soul Society!”

“So? You should know it, you dumbass!”


“It’s peripheral,” said Hitsugaya.

“Oh, really, um… thanks Hitsugaya,” said Renji.


“Question two, ‘Label the parts of the brain in Diagram 23-1.’”

Ichigo looked at the page of the brain in the textbook and then pointed to the top of the brain. “Okay, this is the…”

“Well, aren’t you going to tell us,” said Ikkaku.

“You have to guess!”

“How’re we supposed to know what that is? We don’t know, we're not….”

“It’s the cerebrum,” said Hitsugaya.

“Oh, thank you, taichou,” said Matsumoto.

Hitsugaya pointed to the little blank lines drawn from the crappy brain picture on the page saying, “That’s the corpus callosum, that’s the thalamus, that’s the hypothalamus, that’s the cerebellum, the pons, the medulla oblongata, and the spinal cord.”

“Showoff,” muttered Ikkaku.

“Do you have a problem,” asked Hitsugaya threateningly.

“Uh, nope, no I don’t.”


“Okay then, question three, ‘The cerebral cortex is composed of and supported by. Here’s a hint, they got colors in their name,” said Ichigo.

“Um…what color?” questioned Matsumoto.

“You have to guess.”







“Huh…really. I got one right.”

“Part of one right.”

“Hey, don’t spoil my happiness. Science isn’t my thing and I got something right, so yay me!” Matsumoto exclaimed, doing a short victory dance,  then sitting down.


“We still need to guess the color of the other blank, right?” asked Rukia.

“And which blank the white goes in, and what the colors describe,” pointed out Yumichika.

“Oh, yeah. So Ichigo, which blank is it?”

“The second one, wait,” Ichigo paused, looking in the book. “Yeah, the second blank.”

“So, is the first blank…um…yellow?”


“Is it grey,” guessed Renji.


“Serious, cause you started to say no.”

“Yes, it’s grey. Now all you have to guess is the second word.”

“Is it the same for both blanks,” asked Rukia.


“Will you give us a hint, then? We’re not psychic,” said Ikkaku.

“Yes, if you weren’t so impatient. The hint is that everything here is made of this.”

“Am not impatient, am I, Yumichika,” Ikkaku asked his buddy.

“Well, you can be at times,” Yumichika responded.

“‘At times,’ what sorta friend are you?”


“Can you just get on with the guessing,” interrupted Hitsugaya.

“Fine. Hey wait, why haven’t you been guessing too,” said Ikkaku.

“Cause I’ve already finished it,” Hitsugaya said, showing his homework briefly.

“Y-y-you’ve already finished it? Then why are you still here!”

“It’s interesting seeing you struggle through something so easy.”

“Easy for you, maybe,” Ikkaku muttered under his breath.

“Haven’t you learned not to mutter under your breath yet, cause I can hear you just fine.”


“So, is anyone gonna guess the answer,” asked Ichigo.

“Well, you said it was what everything here is made of,” Ikkaku said, thinking he would bring back some of his pride, cause he knew the answer to this. “Then it is reishi.”


“W-wrong! How so?” Needless to say, Ikkaku was shocked that his answer was wrong.

“Maybe in the Soul Society everything is made of reishi, but this isn’t Soul Society. It’s earth.”

“So what’s stuff made of on earth, genius boy?”

“You are the ones that have to guess. I have the textbook, remember?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“I know, the answer is matter,” said Renji.

“Yes, grey and white matter,” affirmed Ichigo.

Not fair, thought Ikkaku. I was supposed to make myself look smart on that question. I will definitely do it on the next one.

“Okay, next question. The -blank space here-­­­­ is the only structure of the brain stem visible as it connects with the spinal cord,” read Matsumoto.

Or maybe not. I don’t know this one.

“Is it the medulla oblongata?” asked Yumichika.

“Yes,” answered Ichigo.

“How did you know that,” asked Ikkaku, with a look of surprise on his face.

“Well,” said Yumichika, holding up his paper and pointing to the picture of the brain they had labeled. “I just looked at this picture, no matter how ugly it is, because you can see right here the medulla oblongata attached to the spinal cord.”


“Yeah, oh, ya idiot,” said Ichigo. “Even you could have gotten that right, if you paid any attention.”

“And just what are you implying, Kurosaki.

“I’m not implying anything. I’m saying that you are stupid.”

“That does it! I’m gonna kick you ass!”

“Like hell you will,” Ichigo yelled back, accidentally throwing the heavy textbook in Ikkaku’s direction, which hits him on the head and knocks him out cold. “Oops.”

“Well maybe now we can actually get some work done,” was a comment given by the short captain.

--A few hours later-

“And that’s the last question,” said Ichigo, closing the textbook.

“W-what? The last question? You mean to say that you guys worked on it without me?” said Ikkaku, who had just regained consciousness.

“Uh, yeah. We had no clue how long you’d be out. So why wait when we could just work on it ourselves. But it still took longer than I expected, cause Matsumoto and Renji made up for you absence.”


“Here,” said Yumichika, thrusting his paper at Ikkaku. “You can copy mine.”

“Seriously.” Yumichika nodded his head. “Yumichika, you’re the best friend anyone can ask for.”

“I know,” said Yumichika, happily, with that smile of his coming on to his face.

“So,” said Ichigo after a few minutes of silence. “GET THE HELL OUTA MY HOUSE!”

And with that, the shinigami all departed to the current resting places.

“Geez… don’t know how much more of this I can take,” Ichigo muttered to himself. “This is driving me crazy.”

“Actually, you’re already crazy,” said Kon, coming out of his hiding spot in the drawer. “They say that talking to yourself is the f…..”

Kon was cut off as Ichigo kicked the drawer closed.

study buddies!, fanfiction, fandom: bleach

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