01. The first character I fell in love with:
I liked L, but somehow, I never got really attached to him. Not like I did with Near. e 3elll
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
...I don't really know.
03. The character everyone else loves that I don't:
See above?
04. The character I love that everyone else hates:
Near! *laugh* Everyone hates Near and loves Mello/Matt. I don't understand what not to love about the cunning little cottonball called Near.
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer:
I guess you could consider L in this catagory. I liked him. But I liked him less when I kept seeing him butt naked with Light drapin' himself all over him with handcuffs.
Don't get me wrong though. I do like L very much.
06. The character I would shag anytime:
I'd prefer my boys together with eachother, thankyou. *MNNN*
07. The character I'd want to be like:
Mello!! If I had the amount of estrogen that he does.. *ROFL*
Kidding, I'd actually think it'd be cooler to be androgynous-looking, except in a hot way.
But damn, I think that unstabilty and temper's rather sexy. *laugh*
OKI, seriously now. I would like to be like Mello, despite my little snide remarks. That drive, that will-- I have none of that. I love the way he's so passionate, whether it be love or hate.
08. The character I'd slap:
Hm. Takada? She seriously reminds me of a hooker or something.
09. A pairing that I love:
BxA <----highly improbable, but I would think it's cute..
10. A pairing that I hate:
MelloxHal - because Mello can't possibly be straight with all of that estrogen. *shot*
MattxMello - Now, I don't hate this, I'm just sick of all of the rabid fangirls forcing their libidos on poor Matt so they can have an excuse to write kinky boysmut with-- Wait, let me reword that.
It's not so much the pairing, it's the fandom of the pairing. There are people that can pull off MM, of course, and those people are very much respect worthy. What I don't like is the rest of the fandom population-- rabid and "omfg Matt u's so smexahhh~" <----don't make me type that ever. again.
11. Favorite character:
Near. e ^e
12. My five favorite characters:
Near & Mello (deserve the same line)
B & L (Also on the same line)
13. My five least favorite characters:
Anyone on the.. corporation thinger.. I need to refresh my memory..
14. Which character I am most like:
Rem, I do think. Not physically or anything, hell no, but Rem's blind loyalty.
Or Jealous for that matter.
15. My deep, dark fandom secret:
It's a guilty pleasure to have my two favourite boys in loli skirts. =_=; And knives and blood.. *cough* Maybe among other things..