Title: Waiting for my Real Life to Begin
Author: cloudblood
Pairing: Steve/Grant
Rating: G for this part at least.
Warnings: None as yet, other than AU.
Summary: College is an experience unlike anything else.
Author Note: My life's been kind of crazy but this is demanding to be written and I'm more than happy to oblige...
Disclaimer: Totally not real. As Mr. Jellineck says, "If wishes and buts were clusters of nuts, we'd all have a bowl of granola." And I want my granola damnit!
Grant piled the last of his luggage into his beat up Corolla and sighed as he turned to say goodbye to his mother, “Well, Mom, I guess it’s time to go.”
“I know,” she sniffed, “you’ve gotten into a good school and I’m so proud of you but I don’t want you to be so far away.”
He pulled her close and wondered exactly when he’d grown so much taller than her, “I know mom, but this was the only place that gave me a full ride and it was too good to pass up. We have the cell phones though so we can talk anytime okay? When I have a schedule down you’ll know it.”
“You’re so grown,” she smoothed Grant’s hair as she looked up at him, “Your father would be so proud of you. He always wanted you to go to college.”
“I know Ma, and I’ll make both of you proud.” He held her closer and kissed the top of her head.
“You be careful and you’d better find yourself someone. You’ll have more choices you shouldn’t be hassled as much by the,” she stopped as she groped for a nicer word than the first that had come to mind, “jerks.”
Grant laughed softly before replying, “Mom, I’m going to school to learn. Not date, but I will see what I can do okay? My grades come first.”
“I know baby, I just hate to see you alone.” She stopped to look at her watch, “Go on now sweetie, it’s getting late. You’re gonna run into traffic if you’re not careful.”
He hugged his mother for the last time and savored it knowing that it would be the last one for a while, “Okay mom. I’ll call when I get there, okay? And if there’s anything I can do for you, just let me know okay?”
She nodded before she shooed him off, “Go on now. I can take care of myself and you just worry about getting good grades. I want to see you on stage as the Valedictorian.”
Grant chuckled, “I’ll do my best.” He grabs her into one last minute hug, “Bye Mom.”
“Bye honey. Call me. Be safe. Be good.” She squeezed him one last time before she pushed him in the direction of the car so that he could leave.
He laughed before turning to wave one last time before he got into the car and drove off.