I honestly thought it was April Fools Day when I saw that
Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. I mean, I like him just fine but... what? That was unexpected. Still, congradulations! I think it's time to check out the frothing this will cause.
ETA: LOLOLOLOL, SARKOZY was under consideration? *dies*
Unrelatedly, the discoverers of telomerase (one of them Elizabeth Blackburn) won the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Clap you hands, people, because that was an amazing discovery! Also, it happens to be one of the subjects I've had to learn about this year, what with everything being about oncology.
Speaking about oncology, I'm sure you know it's
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
I fully realized how horrible this disease is when we talked about it in uni and saw some really horrifying examples. Not just present cases but also pictures from centuries-old textbooks (You're lucky he didn't put the lecture slides on the uni website or I would've posted them). All the girls in the lecture room had the same expression on their faces (D:) when we got to see a drawing of a lady whose breast was cut off with pliers. Without anaesthetics. And then cauterized with a hot iron. Another way of removing the breast was by sticking pins in it and sawing it off. D: (This was also the expression on the patient's face.)
Also, breast cancer victims have their own saint,
St. Agatha. I went O_o when I saw the paintings of her with her cut off breasts on a plate. Apparently she's also the saint of bakers because her breast look like loafs? (Sorry, weird things like this interest me immensely.)
Anyway, I'm leaving in a few hours with my orchestra to the other side of the country (granted... it's only a two hour trip), it's the annual band camp orchestra weekend. I'm actually not really looking forward to it but I hope that'll pass. It was depressing to hear that the violist next to me (one of my best friends in the orchestra) is leaving because she'll be too busy doing a double maths and physics course in a university far away (for Dutch standards). :(
And when I come back I have to deal with some job interviews. One is for a place on the Gynaecology student team and the other one is for a spot on the IC Thorax student team. I'm so nervous, aaaaah. D:
I've been listening to
Karajan's performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony for days now. The awesome starts when the tenor starts singing (17:54). I love singing "Freude schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium". :D