Cloud_Watcher Posting Policy Update

Mar 31, 2007 12:18

In light of the new drama that came to our comm, the mods have some things to say:
  1. Please do not negatively discuss other Veronica Mars communities or fans in posts or comments to posts in this community. Not even in oblique terms. cloud_watchers is devoted to campaigning for the show. As such, let's keep our posts and comments about Veronica Campaigns specifically.

  2. Because information has already spread, the comments in the most recent post will stand because the people and/or communities referenced should have the opportunity to respond and it's important to preserve the actual comments so nothing is lost in translation, but in the future we think everyone should delete any comments or posts of a negative nature regarding other Veronica Mars fans or communities. Generally, we've not had this problem so let's not get into the habit of doing this in the future.

  3. We don't plan on locking information we find that might be helpful in campaigning for the show. This was built as a public community, and we'd like it to remain that way.

  4. We don't feel anything unethical has happened in this comm, the email address that came into question was found to be posted elsewhere on the net long before this recent drama started here. And really, it's a risk we all take when posting information on the internet. Truly confidential information should not be posted in communities at all it seems, and none of the mods here have the time to police the sources of every single bit of information we receive. We do NOT, however, encourage people to spy on other communities. It's silly and unproductive and again becomes much more about the other fans (not relevant) than about the show (relevant).

    Let's keep things on topic please.

Finally, the mods in this community are very aware of the humor inherent of getting SO involved in a TV show that you feel the need to campaign for it, (truly, we are, heh), but let's all remember that it is, at the end of the day, about a tv show. TV. Entertainment. Fun. Relaxation for your mind. When it starts becoming a source of drama and tension for you, it stops being worth it. cloud_watchers was started as a fun, public place for other fans to gather for some harmless, silly and ultimately FUN campaigning to save a show so many of us grew to love. We want this comm to stay that way please. So let's get back to the fun. Bring on the marshmallows and fake ids!


mod post

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