The awesomeness of this layout is credited to the awesome Lj Community,
toledan_night and their awesomeness. 8D
So, as you can see, it's full of *pnish* and their awesomeness. 8D Which I found here, in this other awesome Lj Community,
pnish. XDD
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Yes, that video is made of awesomeness, with Tuti dancing like the "ninja" he is. You could also notice thatguywho'snameIalwaysforget Eiki Kitamura, who plays Kira Izuru from the Rock Musical Bleach. : D
And a friend of mine found this just a few mins. ago. XD It's cute and funny, but a XDDD *shot*
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Yes, stare at PoT. STARE. *shot*
...Who am I posting these things to again...? XDD