off to eat leftover turkey and potatoes

Dec 25, 2009 11:38

Merry Christmas ♥
I don't celebrate the holiday myself, but it's very easy and enjoyable to get caught up in the festivities and generally temporary happy mood everyone is in. Even my recent dreams are akin to the Christmas specials on TV, but I'm not entirely sure how I should feel about this. Especially when pulsing vaginas and motorcycles are somehow involved.

Anywho, hope everyone is enjoying themselves!

On another note, I've decided against going to school next semester. I might take a course in the Spring, likely Drawing II seeing how I enjoyed Drawing I in the fall, but money's a bit too limited right now to consider the Winter term. I'm currently working in a call center during the evenings, so I'll probably look for a second job during the day for extra income. I doubt the boss I had during the summer will take me back though. It would be nice, as nice as menial reception work can be in the first place, but she wasn't very happy when I quit once the Fall term started. Maybe I'll risk a job in retail and finally learn how to be a salesperson? The skill of selling things to people who don't need them isn't necessarily bad, just intimidating.

Also, the battery power for my laptop only lasts 15 minutes maximum. It's basically a desktop considering how long it's always plugged in these days. The battery I keep on the bookshelf. It's like a paper weight. A cold, drained, heavy, potentially explosive paper weight. The computer is almost four-years old, and it's age is definitely showing. I guess it's time to start looking for a new one, and I'm hoping something affordable and worth the investment shows up on Boxing Day or the next couple weeks. It'll probably be a plus if I can play either Left 4 Dead and its sequel on it, but so long as I can run TF2 and my drawing software, all is good.

edit: oiewhgbvkausdh GDI I am going to maim the jerk who wished for a whiter Christmas. That was a rude move on their part. It's not my distant neighbour's fault for being unable to clean their sidewalk, it's that guy's. CHRISTMAS IS RUINED FOREVER.

brb eating, obligatory post, life

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