Sep 09, 2008 15:07
I'm back I'm finally back! xO Finally well enough to go back onto the internet! wth?! This must be the 2nd worst flu I've ever had. For those of you who don't know, people call this the Pilgrim Flu lol bloody foreign germs >_>'' Man I've missed so much and I'm warning you, there's gonna be some whining in here. Schoolwork argh, socialising argh out of the window for nearly a friggin week >_> I felt so crap...even crapper staying indoors and then maths was due today..but I didn't go lol besides the point! >< And I was trying to do it yesterday but lo and behold my bloody arm was too weak to write properly. So the stupid flu left me feeling nearly as bad as poor Raiha up there and now there seems to be a cough that's here to stay. Must have been from mum >_> her's is gone now...suspicious... Lol my sister said the other day ''This family is doomed to the sickness!'' That seems very plausible right now which means it's just going round and round Gahh!
Anyway me thinks I'll be returning to school tomorrow. So I can infect triple Jap...yes watch out bwahaha. Oh I'm so happy I'm feeling better today xD Still tired as hell but better! =D