So the juice fast, day 2, is going quite well. I mean, juiced an onion earlier today, but everything else has been going great :) In my overwhelming benevolence, I decided to spare you all from my constant "blah blah juice fast blah blah" by making a separate journal. If you so desire to be constantly spammed by today I juiced a potato! and so, I'm a loser and I cheated by eating an orange instead of juicing it... or I found 15 million more supplements to take! then
amohyour is the juicing journal for you :) It's friends only, so comment to be added, and my feelings won't be hurt if you don't give a shit about it. If juicing has any real relevance or link to a cooler train of thought, it'll be posted here, too. But I don't expect for that to actually happen very often.
amohyour amohyour amohyouramohyour amohyourcheck it out, or don't :)
I drove around the oaks mall parking lot today while my mom was inside. She left the keys in the car and told me to just idle around if a rent-a-cop came and yelled at us. She went inside and I decided it'd be more fun idling around anyways than sitting and waiting, and after seriously considering all the horrible-ness as consequence if I somehow crashed into a crazy christmas saturday shopper, I zoomed around anyways. And it was fun. I have a new permit appointment for Wednesday morning. Woohoo. I'll actually go this time. I promise.
If any of you have vegetables that you won't be able to eat, donate to the Anti-Rotting Veggies League via me and I'll gladly juice and drink them. Nothing sadder than food gone to waste =(
My mom is totally bent on celebrating winter solstice this year, and I'm totally bent on getting her to have a dance-around-a-bonfire-naked party. Who's with me?