Jan 24, 2010 19:29
I have been learning first hand what it means to have stolen minutes to yourself. It's very hard to find time for yourself when you have a little one, especially one that is not able to entertain themselves yet. Or is needing to be held, rocked, well, anything that the little one needs. Adam is 3 months old and can be a very high maintenance little boy. Not that I mind that much, I love the time with him. But it is very easy to lose time with him. Now I sit while I wait for dinner to be done, stealing some time on my computer. Life seems to spiral faster and faster these days. I no longer commit myself to too many things in fear that I don't/am not able to follow through with them for one reason or another. I am happy to say that certain things in life are very stable and routine. I have finally found a place at my work. It feels like God has placed me there for so many different reasons, one of them being for my sake. I feel like I belong, and I feel like I can be myself. It is very relieving to have a secure job that will always be there. So many things to be fortunate for, so little time to list.
Friends, thank you for being by myside and for loving me no matter what. That is something that should always be said.
Well, timer has gone off. Time to finish dinner.