Sophia Maria

Jun 12, 2009 10:33

Today is my baby's second birthday. I can't tell you how excited I am for her. It's a far leap from last year. She actually understands it's her special day and that we are having a birthday party all for her! So....what is my little TWO year old like?

Nothing gets by her. Point- We were openly discussing our kick ass deal on the nintendo ds we bought from Gamestop. After we traded in old games and stuff we only paid 8 bucks for a used ds. 120 dollar ds for 8 bucks! She's sitting on the floor and Chase goes on and she gets up walks over and says she wants a pink one. I was kind of in shock. She understood the entire story Chase told, she understood she was getting a ds even when we were being discreet. She WANTED pink! But, Chase got her black so he talked her into that. AND we managed to talk her into waiting until her party to open it.

She's obsessed with dinosaurs.
She is bossy. If I order the kids around I know my second in command is shouting to make sure they get it done.
She can sing half way through the alphabet song.
She likes to say, "I'll fight you like a dog"
She likes to sing, "ma na ma na"
She needs to quit biting.
She's quite the animal lover. By that I mean she holds them down and kisses them until I find her and release the animal.
She can talk normal unlike the other two did at this age.
She adores her daddy.
She's a tomboy.
She's my angel.
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