Let's Play

Jun 01, 2005 13:12

I heard something last night that made me smile...
I have a good friend named Retha. She's a few years ( 3?) younger than me and we talk alot. I've known her for the better part of six years ( her parents are friends with mine), and she's big into music...especially Good Charlotte. At work, I sold her her first Good Charlotte CD, and every time we get in a poster/display for the band, she asks me to see if I can get it, which I do, and give it to her. She absolutely loves the band...

Well, back in mid May, Good Charlotte was playing in Providence. Retha went to see the concert with a few friends. Previous to this though, they went to the mall to see if the band was there. After a while, they spotted Benji, and began to follow him for a while. An hour went by and then Retha final approached him and told him they were fans. Benji acknowledge this and said he'd look for them at the concert. Retha and company went back to the Dunk and were among the first 8 let in, so they were right by the baracade. Now, the story could end here and be good, but it gets better...

The concert started and things were going good. Retha was holding up a sign and Benji saw this. He asked her to throw it on stage so he could read it, so she did. He read the sign aloud to everyone in the audience. It read, and I quote

Hug Me! I'm terminally ill...But seriously, I am.

( This is truth, in a manner of speaking). Benji liked this, so he called Retha on stage. She ran up into his arms and hugged him with her whole body ( I mean, like run and jump technique) and she stayed on stage the rest of the show, completely having a good time even though Joel sweat on her. And her friend also had a moment. During one of the songs, Benji went into the crowd and started singing. He went on the baracade and sang directly to her. I can't remember the song, but it was just an awesome story, where they even got the guitar picks.

I have to say this is an awesome story. I have some good celebrity stories, from my almost fight with the lead singer of Eve6 to my argument with Bruce Campbell, to running into Jason Marsden to anything with Bob Almond, but this is a really sweet story that just brightened up my day. I'm happy for Retha and this will keep me in a good mood for a while.

On a side note, I've come to the conclusion that El is one of the best characters ever in a movie, and it's quite possible his series is my favorite film trilogy.
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