(no subject)

Jan 03, 2008 09:26

this sucks part 1:

late last night i was putting a load of laundry in, and i noticed the utility sink was clogged (which i wasn't surprised about, because ashley had told me i needed to unclog it). while looking for something to unclog it with, i opened the basement bathroom door (which always stays close, because our smallest kitty likes to play and destroy in there) to have my soul and spine shriekingly awakened to one of the most horrific smells i have ever witnessed. it smelled like john goodman's ass died in the room. just the ass part of him. one thing you need to understand, is that ashley and i rarely ever use this bathroom. once every other month, at best. yet for some reason, there was a clogged floater sitting in there, just days after ashley and i were gone for a week.

i then realize that the last person to use this bathroom was my landlord, about two weeks ago. i helped him install a new garage door opener (which STILL doesn't work properly, thank you). not wanting to tread dirt and filth into the house, he used the basement bathroom. apparently he clogged the fucking toilet and just happenned to forget to tell me. so not only was i unclogging a toilet, utility sink and cleaning an entire bathroom of stink close to 1 am on a work night, but the bathroom will now smell for days. i'm going to have to clean it again today just to improve the smell.

this sucks part 2:

i woke up to the very very upset sound of ashley this morning. our cat, murdock, was skulking around hungry and got up on the nightstand of the guest room (where he's not allowed) and knocked over ashley's bamboo plant). not wanting her to be late, i offered to clean it up, so my opening thoughts of the day got to be cleaning up wet rocks and pieces of glass. not too happy with the cat right now.

this sucks part 3:

once a year i get fever blisters on my lips when the temprature quickly drops. this year they decided to show up in three different places. it's extremely painful, extremely visible and embarassing, and i get to endure all sorts of great and totally unoriginal and repetitive "hey is that herpes?" jokes from friends and idiots (often the same people). i almost wish it was, because though herpes is even more visible and much uglier, most people can't tell the difference, so they think that's what i have anyways, which leads to awkward conversations or even more awkward looks. that, and the other isn't nearly as painful as this, or at least so i've read. the worst part of it is that i'm playing a free show tonight at a very public venue, and the band is also watching our guitarist play a small set before the show at another very public venue. so i get to look diseased all night long.

this sucks part 4:

i'm REALLY hating work today. i'll leave early, if i can manage it.
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