Nov 15, 2005 18:39
Today started out pretty interesting. I had PE with Ida for the first time (like actual PE like movin etc.) and I show up with my PE-shorts.. cause that's what normal ppl wear.. but no..not in Finland.. Here they wear long PE pants or verkkarit or whateva... So I'm the only freak with the shorts while everyone else has verkkarit. Go me! :D
We played basketball... so that was fun.
Then, after school we went to eat pizza at the usual place.Tonnikalakatkaraputuplajuustopizza. And we saw iina in the bianco or bianca (can't remember which one it was) shop and she was carrying shoe boxes and stuff. Then she showed her favorite shoes in tha shop. They were pretty. Then Juulia bought me this cool little cut diary <3 [which I'm gonna pay bac ofcourse bcs Juulia has already bought so much stuff for me (and IDA esspecially..)with her money]. Sou nau I have a livejournal and a cute little pallo päiväkirja ^^. Yay! As jonna said: GO me! :P
K. Well dats about it 4 tudei.. oh yah and I almost threwup bcs I ate candy.. :P