Black boots or brown boots? I can't decide. And don't vote for black just because you are a goth. I get paid in a week and a half. Although I haven't signed for the overtime I did, so I suspect I won't get the overtime pay until the end of November, which is not so good, so maybe I should stop lusting over boots.
Things that might influence your decision:
(a) I have no comfortable black shoes
(b) I have some brown boots but they are on the verge of wearing out and I suspect that they will leak a lot next time it rains heavily.
(c) My clothes are a fairly equal mix of things that go with black and things that go with brown
(d) I'm more likely to buy new clothes that go with brown rather than new clothes that go with black.
(d) It's generally easier to get hold of nice black shoes and boots.
(e) The black boots are on sale and the brown boots aren't.
Anyway, if I do get boots, which colour should I get them in?
Edit: And here are the boots edit: The brown boots have won, as everyone who prefers tham makes me feel happy, which is a clear sign that I love the brown boots the most. I just hope that the shop still has them after I get paid.