Jan 29, 2007 22:21
The World is a place where one finds solace away from real life. It is a place where people go to be what the cannot in their everyday lives. It is a place for freedom of expression, for freedom of growth, for freedom of choice. The World is place to create legends, to be a part off history. The World is...well, just that. The World.
And of course, no world can exist without the clashing of two parties.
It seems almost as if Player Killers have taken over. And of course, their opposition are the Player Killer-Killers. It's almost an oxymoron. You have PKers on one hand, then the PKKers, who think they're far better than the PKers. But are they, really? They stoop to the same level of the PKers, yet consider themselves above them.
It's a vicious circle.
The PK-PKK issue has been turning in my mind for quite some time now. Judging by how quickly it gained popularity since the birth off R:2, I'm estimating more than half of the players will be either PKers or PKKers within a year.
It's a sad thing, but nothing can really be done about it.
~ The Gun Weaver
pk-pkk issue,