Battle of the Five Armies

Dec 30, 2014 23:27

Overall good, although I'm still not convinced the whole thing wouldn't have been better as two films, or at least three shorter films.

Gripes first.  I wish Fili had got a more heroic death. I wish Beorn had been the one to kill Bolg, as in the book.  I totally understand the reasons for having Thorin kill Azog, but Legolas killing Bolg was just fanservice.  And I wish they'd shown Thorin's funeral.  After all the fuss about the Arkenstone not explaining what happened to it wasn't good story telling, nor was not clearing up who became King Under the Mountain and what was done about distributing the treasure.  A particular problem because it was hard to see this Dain being reasonable about it, though I did like Billy Connolly in the role.

On the other hand, the Dol Guldur scenes were great.  A particular bonus was that after seeing Saruman in action as one of the good guys, Gandalf trusting him at the start of LOTR feels much more believable, and his fall feels more like a tragedy instead of just a nasty surprise.  I did think Galadriel was going a little bit darkside, and interpreted Gandalf trying to get her to leave as his worrying she might unleash a bit too much of her inner potential Kinslayer rather than his being worried about her physical safety.  Of course he was worrying about the wrong Council member, but it was completely understandable.

I thought Smaug's death was well done.  Richard Armitage and Lee Pace continue to be excellent, as is Martin Freeman.  It bugged me a bit that in the final battle the main fighting seemed to get nearly forgotten in favour of concentrating on a skirmish, admittedly a skirmish with most of the major characters, but perhaps that will flow better on a second viewing.

And the transfer back to Ian Holm and the beginning of FOTR was a fine way to end it.
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