Dec 23, 2012 22:58

YES I've seen it.

And I thought it was great.  Yes it did feel more than a bit like watching the extended edition on the big screen, especially the first half-hour, and the script does tend to hammer things home with a really big hammer. But I didn't care.

(Mild spoilers below)

Could have done without troll phlegm mind, but here's what I loved:

Martin Freeman was excellent

Richard Armitage spot on as tragic hero Thorin.  Other dwarf standouts Balin, Fili, Kili and Bofur.  There's going to be buckets of weeping at the end of film three....

It was great seeing Radagast and Sylvester McCoy was great in the part, switching neatly from scatty to believably powerful.  Also unexpected Witch-king.

The stone giants looked terrific

The White Council made me laugh for some reason  Maybe because I was sure Elrond was thinking "OK, Mithrandir, I may have unexpected mother-in-law, but you have unexpected boss."  Also Saruman going on about Radagast and the magic mushrooms

The 'Far over the Misty Mountains' song was spine tingling

Final thought: there's something brewing about Thrain's fate, isn't there?    Gandalf never did explain where he got the key.  I expect a dramatic reveal in film two.

This isn't even close to covering everything but it's my knee-jerk response.  Bring on the rest!

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