!MOD POST, vol. 2

Jun 22, 2009 10:16

Alright, since our little community is getting on its feet now, I suspect it's time we all get to know one another, starting with your friendly neighborhood mods, hikari_datenshi and myself, thevinegarworks.

AKAObligatory introductions. *party hands*

You can call me Vin, you can reach me through my journal, and I'm the bad cop. Native Houstonian; vegetarian; rabid slash fan for ~10 years; LJ veteran, though this particular incarnation is still new(isH). Lover of all thinks Ikea, Dr. Suess, and classic rock.

Chosen method of contributing to society/fandom/TCB: Fiction, with the occasional graphic, like our pretty header and kind-of-pretty layout code. *brandishes*

The tale of my familiarization with the wonder of slash begins early. I first began writing fanfiction back in fall of 1999, though I had toyed with the idea several times before, via fandoms that shall not be mentioned. My chosen fandom was Roswell of all things, because Jason Behr is fucking pretty and he was basically canon with Brendan Fehr anyway. Barring the fact that my brain was a tender, uh... thirteen years old. YES, I WROTE GAY PORN WHEN I WAS THIRTEEN. OR POSSIBLY TWELVE.


From then on my fandoms constantly morphed as my love for writing grew to ridiculous lengths - everything from classical Greek mythology to Ghosthunters (which is awesome and if you disagree, I'll ban fight you), to BtVS/Angel, X-Men, The Vampire Chronicles, Lord of the Rings, RPS MLB, even the fucking Tick wasn't immune to the grubby hands of my far-reaching fanfiction array. I've also always had a knack for original fiction, as well as poetry and prose. The first time my poetry was published I was 17 years old, and I still find it fucking weird to open an actual hardback book and see my name in print. I've started about eight novels, finished two (and a half?), and am always voraciously percolating other new ones.

In the fall of 2005, I discovered Supernatural, and that - as they say - is all she fucking wrote.

No, really, it is. That's all I write these days. All original fiction, prose, and poetry has been put on hold for the sake of cranking out ridiculous amounts of SPN fiction. My pride and joy right now: a 200K-word Dean/Castiel pornfest epic love story revolving around the rise of the Archdemon Belial, and his ties with raising Lucifer. It's an AU after S4E19 aired, because that's when I first began writing it and I was too lazy to go back and change anything.

Apart from that, I've also written oodles of drabbles of almost all pairings, though for whatever reason they don't seem to get posted very often (read: I'm lazy.) The ones that do make it through the fine mesh of my admitted laziness are always posted to my journal.

I come across as rude sometimes, but don't take it personally or feel attacked if I do. Any time spent working as a bartender in downtown Houston does that to a girl. Usually I don't mean to come across as such, but if I do, don't run crying to your mommy or storm out of the comm in an angry rage. If I'm really mad, you'll know it. Otherwise, just chalk it up to my tendency to sometimes be obliviously rash, and feel free to point it out to me.

My Favorite Clothes!Kink: Castiel's trench. Oh god I can't help it, it's fucking sexy. And the skewed blue tie, too. ashdajhdjlsjkdsk. AND FEDORAS. BASICALLY ANYONE WITH A FEDORA. THE BEST IMAGE EVER = MY BB ANDY GALLAGHER IN A MOTHERFUCKING FEDORA. GUHHHHHHHHHHHH.

+ + +

hikari_datenshi's bio coming soon, whenever I can bribe convince her to whip one up. *WAVES* HAI BB.


HAY ALL! Youse can call me Salamander. Or Kirst. Whatevs, bbs. My journal = here, and I guess I’d be the good cop? *headtilts at Vin* I’m the comm’s native Englishwoman, so insult my homeland and abuse our language AT YOUR OWN PERIL, PEONS. I adore capslocking, and have been a slash fan since Final Fantasy waltzed into my life about 9 (ish) years ago *gazes lovingly at FFVII*.

Contributions to society/fandom/TCB: ICONS! And screencaps. And photoshop-related things. And fanfiction, more recently. Turns out I’m a fic-idea-machine (even if I don’t have the time to write them at the moment. Which makes me sad.)

My first slash pairing was the extremely unlikely pair from Final Fantasy VII, namely Vincent/Reno. Yes I know, it’s terrible. They were both pretty, this is my excuse. Fanfiction was produced (good lord it was horrible) and nothing more was said of this by me. Then I moved on to the much superior Cid/Vincent (still my fave from VII, even now), and then my FF world was expanded with the advent of FFX. The king. The container of my perfect OT3. *happy sigh* Of course, I speak of Auron/Jecht/Braska. Anyway, then FFXII came out and I explored the idea of Basch/Balthier and Basch/Vossler and then a het pairing hit me in the face (Balthier/Ashe wtf).

Anyway, I didn’t actually get into any fandom for a goodly few years, considering that I didn’t get a computer til about, oh, 5 years ago. Once I did, ahah, then it all spiralled out of control with the advent of HARRY POTTER. <3 Oh the fanfiction I devoured! Oh how my love for this pairing still lives on! I speak, of course, of Remus/Sirius.

I gain new fandoms quite easily, but I don’t let go of old ones; my collection now stands at; Final Fantasy (VII, X and XII mostly), Star Trek (Kirk/Bones FTW!), Supernatural (Dean/Castiel - my ultimate OTP of OTPs), Harry Potter (the aforementioned Remus/Sirius), Watchmen, Fullmetal Alchemist (Roy/Hughes), House (House/Wilson, House/Cuddy), Discworld (Vimes/Vetinari - ULTIMATE LOVE), Junjou Romantica (Egoist = WIN), and Devil May Cry (Dante/Vergil is an extremely guilty, sekrit pleasure). I ship other stuff too, but am not active in the fandoms.

I came VERY late to Supernatural (le sigh), ie: last year (2008) when some housemates forced me to watch their s1 boxsets. We pretty much marathoned the full thing and then I had a break after s2, and then the obsession ate my brain thoroughly, and me and my SPN-fandom-partner kestrellan have never looked back. :D

Um lessee. I’m an English Language and Creative Writing graduate, which means I have some half-baked delusions that I can do words. I have extreme tendencies to capslock and squee, and I ramble a hell of a lot (as this profile totally gives away, lawl). Oh also, I am the Sage of Cakism. Cakism is an extremely good religion, in which we worship the divine entity that is cake. Therefore, the eating of cake is always encouraged by me, especially if there is Ben & Jerry’s ice cream involved. <3 Oh, I also have a stupidly filthy mind. This is mostly expressed by me going “hur hur hur” at every opportunity, even for things that normal people would not find filthy.

My Favorite Clothes!Kink: The humble trenchcoat. On most people. Even people I’d normally find unattractive... argh. I also like a dashing hat or two, ties (mostly cos I can conjure up delectable images of tie-using possibilities hur hur hur), and half-unbuttoned shirts. Also, wet men (especially with their clothes still on, mmf). And men with unnecessarily messy hair. But I guess that doesn’t count.

+ + +

Lovely! Now that we're all familiar with one another(ish), some comm rules guidelines, because we're not strict enough to enforce "rules":

  • This is an NC-17 COMMUNITY. If you are not legal age and/or prepared to deal with the consequences of being underage in this community (i.e. banning, and possibly having rotten bananas planted in your shoes when least expected), please don't join. Not all of our posts are pervy, but there's a good chance that most will be. We like our jackets ripped and our jeans muddy.
  • The default setting of the comm is ADULT CONCEPTS. If you are posting anything that is explicit, please label accordingly to avoid any slaps on the wrist. If your post is G/PG rated, don't worry about it - the default settings are fine.
  • All large graphics/pictures (ABOVE 400 PIXELS WIDE) must be place below an LJ cut. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in whiplash number one, as well as removal of your post. It is your responsibility to re-post correctly after deletion.
  • NO WANK/FLAMING/SRS BSNS/ASSHATTERY/FUCKWITTERY/WHAT HAVE YOU. The TCB promotes good times and great oldies porn. This is a happy shiny community for happy shiny people, where all manners of clothes!kink can be acknowledged - crazy manips, icons, wallpapers, fiction, etc. Don't litter our playground, or we'll be forced to implore Castiel to smite you.
  • SPOILER POLICY: ALL SPOILERS for unaired episodes must be placed behind an LJ-cut with a CLEAR WARNING for spoilers ahead. Please try to limit discussion until 3 days after episodes have aired in the United States.
  • Though we are a Supernatural-centric community, any pairings/fandoms are acceptable here! Slash, femmeslash, crossovers, RPS - anything goes, for any fandom. Got a kink for The Joker's suit? The Comedian's mask from The Watchmen? DEAR GOD SO DO I. Feel free to post it here. We don't discriminate. Just because your art/fic isn't SPN, don't feel like you can't post it.
  • If you want to advertise a community, ask the mods first. Any advertisements posted that were not brought to the mods' attention first will be deleted without warning.
  • All fan fiction, fan art, and graphics must have a proper header. The ideal header will contain the following information: AUTHOR/CREATOR, TITLE, RATING (SEE RATING SYSTEM BELOW), AND SPOILERS/WARNINGS. To make everyone's lives easier, fic should also include information such as WORD COUNTS, GENRE, and PAIRINGS, though it is not absolutely necessary. (Though it would make the mods' lives a hell of a lot easier, so keep that in mind.) You may also include any author's notes you want, as long as they're not stupidly long. All lyrics or notes longer than a few sentences should be placed under the cut along with the main body of the story.
  • TAGGING: Please, for the sake of saving your Brigadier sergeants some migraines, tag your posts. Fanfiction should be tagged with genre (genre: PWP, H/C, WIP, etc), author (author: yourusernamehere), pairings (pairing: Sam/Dean, Dean/Castiel), and rating (rating: R, NC-17, PG-13). Fan art should also have tags categorizing type (fan art, icons, wallpapers, banners), creator, and rating. If you forget to tag, no biggie. Chances are, one of the mods will just send you a friendly nudge to remind you to tag next time, but no whiplashes. Everybody forgets from time to time, and we're cool with that.
  • RATING YOUR POSTS: The comm is defaulted to Adult Concepts, but if your post goes above and beyond, yay for you! please make a note of it and rate accordingly. Anything with torture, explicit/graphic sex, or anything else squicky MUST be clearly labeled as NC-17. Fic with language, light violence, or "sugar-coated" sex should be posted as R. Anything else is pretty obvious.
  • Any other questions, class? PM one of the mods and we'll get back to you as soon as humanly possible. Especially Vin, since she's a giant dork who never leaves her computer.
  • The most important rule? HAVE FUN! Come in, stay a while, kick back and have a cocktail - but remember to leave your coat on. ;)

srs bsns, !mod post, comm guidelines, introductions

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