Sep 20, 1999 16:31
Prices are fixed.
Discounts will not be given unless otherwise stated.
Exclusive of postage:
add an additional $1.50/item for normal mail
add an additional $2.50/item for registered mail
SGD 0.50 will be added for every additional item.
We will not be responsible for any lost/damaged items sent via normal mail.
Strictly No Exchanges and No Refunds.
Strictly No Trades Allowed.
STEP 1: Please leave a comment in the following format:
Subject: Confirm
Postage: Normal/ Registered (Recommended)
Payment method:ATM transfer/ Meet-up available
(only at hougang or boon keng mrt station)
Make payment to POSB Savings 209-48933-3
STEP 2: We will send you an email with an invoice.
-The email will indicate the total amount payable inclusive of postage
*ALL payments should be made within 24HOURS after the invoice is sent to you*
STEP 3: Reply to our invoice email when you are done with payment
- We will reply to all emails and postage
sent out after that.
Lastly, Happy Shopping With Us!!! :)