Aug 02, 2006 12:24

1) I just downloaded Semagic, one of the LJ client thingys, and wow, this is kind of cool!! My favorite thing so far is the drop down menu of usernames on the sign on screen, much like the one on AIM. This is handy because I have many LJs, many of which are SECRET. I suspect Semagic will promote more updation. Also, it detects your music. How sweet is that??
2) In any case, I am talking to Stephanie on the speakerphone right now while browsing the world wide internet. She is drawing me on Paint.
3) I purchased a $350 iPod the other day. I got a 2-yr extended warranty because iPods are pretty shitty and I also ordered Express 2-3 day shipping, but I just checked my email and my shipment is projected to arrive on the 9th of August. THE FUCKING 9TH. I did not pay an extra $12 for that shit. I wanted my iPod before I go away on Saturday, but NO, it's off in fucking China right now. List of reasons why I hate Apple more and more with each passing day: Fed-ex.
4) List of stupid things Jennifer has done: arrived at work 5 minutes early, sat in car until it was time to be at work, stepped out of the car, looked at feet to discover DIRTY WHITE SNEAKERS, not black dress shoes like the uniform requires. Drove all the way home, got the proper shoes, and back and was A HALF HOUR LATE FOR WORK. On last day of work.
5) WHATEVER, I am getting an internet hangover again, BYE.
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