My daughter has had a really aggressive nasty rash/yeast infection for MONTHS. We had seriously tried just about everything to make it go away--different ointments, creams, we took her to a dermatologist, and literally nothing was working. We thought maybe there was some lingering infection clinging to our cloth diapers, so we stripped them, but
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And to the OP I wish I had some advice, but after four years of cloth diapering I am at my wits end. We use Planet and occasionally Tide for what it's worth.
I'd go NUTS if I couldn't use cloth but Roland's eczema is exacerbated by 'sposies :(
We got the name from (don't laugh) a Stephen King novel. :)
Our routine:
Strip w/Dawn & bleach monthly
Wash every other day with Tide & Grapefruitseed Extract (THIS has made a HUGE difference!)
Use OTC Lotrimin as diaper cream the instant a bump pops up
Sounds like your infant could use some oral antifungals - diflucan I think it's called - for systemic yeast. I would definitely treat that before tackling the diapers or she will just keep reinfecting (recolonizing?) herself.
ETA: I also use old school baby powder with every change to help keep his skin dry. The cornstarch based ones just feed yeast.
We got some Nystatin powder prescribed which worked the BEST - but it's prescription only and a tiiiiiny bottle. There is an OTC product available called something like X-orb that is also a non-cornstarch antifungal powder. It's not cheap, but it did work very well. I just had to be super careful about not using too much or it would irritate my son's skin (and he is not a sensitive skinned kid).
That's too bad about your doc. My pediatrician just sort of blindly assumed that cloth diapers = problem free skin! which created it's own set of problems when we started with the yeast thing... it would have been helpful if she had known that it is a relatively common issue. =/ Instead I had to parse it out myself with months of trial and error and emailing various cloth diaper websites/detergent manufacturers.
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