Waiting is the Hardest Part

Mar 03, 2013 18:27

I like looking at what others are buying/making as a newbie to the cloth world. I haven't used cloth pads yet, waiting for my to arrive from various sellers. I just heard about cloth pads a little over a week ago.

I decided to try my hand at making my own so I won't need to buy any more disposables for my next period in case my packages don't arrive in time.

I am also just learning to sew, and so don't pay attention to the seams. LOL. :)

I used material I had sitting in my material stash.

This was my first batch using different patterns from the Internet. I really struggled with the curved areas.

I decided to give up and try and make my own pattern based off a disposable I have that had straight lines.

They are 10 inches long, 2.5 inches wide in the middle when snapped.
Hopefully they work until I receive my mail.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your personal stories and stashes. It has been extremely helpful as I start my cloth pad journey.


Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

buying pads, photos, beginner/new to cloth, fabric, personal experience, diy

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