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leeneh June 5 2012, 13:58:26 UTC
Try and get hold of a small lidded pail or container of some sort which you can carry between your room and the bathroom, and nobody will be the wiser. You can actually both keep, rinse/prewash, soak, and wash&rinse your used pads in it, if you don't feel like having them go in the family laundry. When you remove a pad, you put it in a wetbag in your bag, and from there into your container as soon as you get home, and when you have a few minutes over during the next couple of days, you bring the container to the bathroom to wash the contents.

ETA: Here's a recent post with a couple of comments about how you can use the container as a "washing machine". :)

ETA: I remember how it was to be 14 and still very shy and insecure about certain body functions, so I can absolutely understand your wish for privacy. So, this is how I would do the drying if I was set on doing everything myself: I'd take a big clean towel, spread it on the floor and spread all my clean - but still wet - pads side by side on top of it. Then I'd roll up the towel tightly with the pads inside it and walk on it until as much water is out of the pads as possible. Then I'd hang the pads around in my room to dry - for instance, over the vertical rods of a chair, along the headboard of the bed, pinned to a clotheshanger in the doorway of a closet... Anyplace where they can hang freely. I'd also open the window to get as much air circulation as possible. Hang up the towel somewhere as well, so it doesn't lie around and risk getting moldy.

And, do come back and tell us how you manage! Lots of young girl would love to read about your experiences! :D


skye_blue June 5 2012, 20:47:47 UTC
ugh i remember it too....god we use cloth diapers for my 20 month old and my mom think those are gross..i cant image stay w her and have cloth pads..i still use throw away pads when i have my period. i'm preggo now so i dont have to worry about that now.. leeneh seems to have given you good advise. i hope if you family does find out they will respect you and your privacy..


ididntdoit83 June 5 2012, 21:24:47 UTC
Thank you for that. :) Your mum sounds a lot like mine. Their loss, really. :P I wish you the best of luck with your pregnancy!
(and sorry if leeneh gets several emails for this... I'm a bit new to livejournal so please bear with me xD)


ididntdoit83 June 5 2012, 21:39:41 UTC
Thanks for such an informative reply! C:
Now I just need to decide how many I'll need...


leeneh June 6 2012, 19:17:24 UTC
Ouch! My reply to you got marked as spam because I wanted to add a link - not sure wether you got notified, so I repeat it here, omitting the links. :)

I'd start with only a couple to wear around the house just to try, were it me.
A very good and informative website is clothpads dot org.
I find their page Starting a Stash very helpful, and they also have a lot of patterns if you want to try making one yourself.


ididntdoit83 June 6 2012, 20:20:02 UTC
Oup - pity about that. Trolls/advertisers take away the fun of the internet for everyone else. ¬_¬
Thanks, though! :) That website really is fab. It's been bookmarked!


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