Putting the 'men' back into menstruation

Jul 06, 2011 09:09


As you may or may not know, I sell pads every week at my local farmers market.  It has been a very positive and affirming experience for me, so I wanted to share it with all of you.  =)  A lot of us are shy about letting others know when we have our periods, what our periods are like, and what products we use.  Many of us go to some effort to hide our menstrual products from people we live with, men in particular, especially when we use unconventional things like cloth pads and cups.   Most of us have probably had that unfortunate experience where the topic comes up in mixed company and a young gentleman covers his ears, runs away, or looks like he's going to faint.

But I've been pleasantly surprised the last couple years.  I've had a lot more men go out of their way to tell me that they want to support what I'm doing.  Several have stood at my booth and tried to convince their girlfriends and wives to give cloth a try.  It seems like a lot of men don't like the stereotype that they aren't able to handle conversations about menstruation.  They appreciate the opportunity to talk about it.   So the moral of the story is, don't worry so much!  The men probably don't mind! :D

Now for the spammy part of this post.  The internet-side of my business has been a little slow lately, so I'm looking at an opportunity to expand in directions that you, dear cloth users, would like to go.  I'm running a raffle on my site in the form of a suggestion box/poll.  To enter the raffle, either leave a suggestion, vote in the poll, or both.  One entry will be counted per person and the prize is $10.  The raffle is over here.

Well, I'm off to the farmers market now!  Have a good day (or night!)

vendor - amy's rag bag, advertising, advocacy

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