I'm curious...
So an average flow is apparently 30-40mls (2-4tb), anything about 80mls is considered heavy and anything above 100mls is excessive...for those who do know how much your loss is.... where do you fit in that scale?
Thinking about it... its no wonder that I seem to be surrounded in a majority of light to medium flowing women (many of which can't understand why I need waterproofing or more layers), when according to those figures, most women bleed over their whole cycle what I would in a day or 2.
http://www.menstrual-blood-loss.com (Which I'm not allowed to link to - naughty me) has a loss calculator (its based on disposables though)
I tried it out (trying to remember what I used on disposables)... and I got 145mls. Which is rather excessive.... so then I tried it out on what I'd normally use in cloth (where I tend to leave pads on much longer and use fewer), and got 108
But you have to ask yourself what you consider "soaked" etc... a disposable got "soaked" a lot quicker than a cloth pad does, and I don't really consider that I wear cloth until its "soaked" - though leave it on a lot longer than I would a disposable, simply because the pad is longer (more fabric to hold the blood), more absorbent and also less gross to wear. But they have pics of what (simulated) used pads would look like in the ranges.
I never thought to actually keep record of my loss when using my cup (and I like to have a break every now and then)....and I have new pads to try this cycle, so I can't measure it this time :) But on the first day last cycle I'm pretty sure I'd filled the cup past the rim (in 7 hours), which would be over 20mls..., plus another about 7-10mls before bed... so about 30mls that day, the second day I'd bleed about the same, if not more, then it would start easing off over the next 5 days.... so if that's about 30mls a day on the first 2 days, then about 3 more days of moderate flow, and 2 of light... I'd say I'm definately classed as heavy or probably excessive.
So has anyone else tried the calculator, and if so how did you go, do you think its accurate?