Oct 20, 2008 21:01
Hi everyone! This is my first post. I just found out about cloth pads and other menstrual alternatives. I really want to start buy some pads, but I'm so overwhelmed. I know, ultimately, what I want, but I don't know where to get it.
I want my pads to be enviornmentally friendly as possible (eg. organic) and cruelty free. (I don't want animals to suffer because I'm on my period.) I want them to be SOFT and accomadating of a somewhat heavy flow. (I change regular tampons every 2-3 hours and super tampons every 4-6. I prefer pads, but they left me feeling "raw", so I had to switch to tampons.) Can anyone recommend good organic pads? I'd prefer to have my pads as green as possible...but I if that's not possible given my size/flow I'd be ok with it.
I'm a petite girl (5 ft 1, 100lbs and a US size 2-3) A lot of the pads I've looked at are 9inches+ Is it harder to find smaller pads? 7.5-9 inches I'm guessing!!
Also, what are some enviornmentally friendly ways to wash pads? I was thinking of using Ecover stain remover and soapnuts, perhaps seventh generation baby laundry detergent if the latter doesn't work out! Are there any "home solutions" I could try/make up myself?
Lastly, even though I will probably end up paying for my pads, my mom will use her credit card to pay online. She's extra picky about what info she gives online and to whom. (For example, she wouldn't order a dress online because they asked for her credit card number AND her birthdate. Apparently, she'd never been asked for both those things before and a red flag went up.) I'm pretty sure I convince her to let me use pads, but buying them etsy is a whole different story. I don't think she'll like the idea that someone she doesn't know has her address and other personal information. I haven't really looked into it, but is etsy secure? How can/do you pay on etsy?
WOW, I wrote a lot! I'm getting a little carried away. Please answer what you can! Thankyou
PS. Sorry about any mispellings, the spell check wouldn't work...my computer is really old!
menstrual flow,
cloth use - cleaning,