New Journal

Mar 02, 2005 21:46

Okay, enjoy the splendid layout. Actually, I find it quite brusque, but it'll do for now. How about the song? Old AFI! Awesomeness in its finest hour. Well, to today's going-ons. School.. bah school... what a waste. Honestly, today was one of those days where nothing happened yet it STILL sucked so badly. It was actually pretty depressing... I got my lab report back. Don't ask for its grade. It's bad. Very bad. But scratch that, and on to the important stuff. I decided to fuck tutoring and let Nick go on and run track. I opted to go to the gas station then Wendy's. Was pretty okay. Then, I returned back to school and spoke with Brian Black for quite a bit, and then walked around aimlessly. I came upon Andrew, and two of his friends I'm not acquainted (sp?) with... then they left like 15 minutes after I came. Then Andrew and one of the original friends returned with his guitar, and I sat there while he played stuff. The only thing I remember is Beat It, by Michael Jackson. I found that amusing. Then that kid left and it was me and Andrew who was playing guitar. Then out of nowhere some ghetto kid who lives in the neighborhood around the school appears on a scooter and scoots around us. I thought he was admiring Andrew's guitar skills, which, might I add, are quite vast. Then the kid says, "Oh, a new bag!" And takes mine. I was laughing for a second. Then when he went off I said, "Okay, you can bring it back now." But he didn't. And just when Andrew was about to use his running skills he had to leave, so I had to run down the kid and say I was going to call the police. Needless to say, things went my way from there. Then I came home and was wasting my life away when I heard I'd have two hours to myself. I love being alone at night and at home. At school, I have this social need I guess, and at home I feel quite the opposite... it's pretty weird. But anywho, I relish moments like these and just sat in my room staring at the wall. I'm weird, not retarded. I just enjoy the lack of parental pressure, sibling annoyance, the noise of the shit which is television, and the screams of my feuding siblings. Inner peace... that's what I'd call my alone time. Contrary to many people, I don't choke the chicken at these times. I find my inner peace. Oh well... then my family came back from my brother's baseball game. He didn't get a hit. I laughed. He was like, "At least I play!" *In a whiny voice* and I retorted with, "When I DID play ball, I hit! I hit well! I hit triples. You hit groundouts." I have nothing against my brother. I just think it's funny how he talks of me as if I'm an emberassment. I think he's just trying to take the focus off of him... oh well... maybe I AM an emberassment... what do YOU think? Comment please... good night.
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