Dec 28, 2004 09:17
ya know...all this time I just never wanted to see it. I never wanted to listen to what I knew was the was just so much easier to pretend that everything was how I wanted it...and that maybe, just maybe there was a chance. And as heartbreaking as it was...all I can do is smile and shrug it off. because a couple of those days were really fun. i'm thankful for them. and seeing it and being around it was all it took for me to get over it. to get over her. so yeah, i'm still left with a broken heart, but it's quickly healing. =) not because of some rebound, or some sudden distraction...but because of the person that did it...and that's the best way for it to happen, right?
I don't want any hard feelings, and I definitely want to be friends because...I mean...she's still as hell.
the end.