(no subject)

Jul 24, 2010 22:38

Babydoll bought me rollerblades! been waiting a year and some, Im totally wobbly and all over the place but really happy nonetheless.

totally crushin on this girl N, still too broke for new body mods and really anything besides my car payments and credit card bills. brothers joining the air force :]
this summer pretty much blows from what id imagined
i miss crazy times and having money and going out and being free. what the hell am i doing?
where is everyone? id somehow forgotten that people have things to do, and wasnt aware, obviously, how brutal summer school was for myself, so im really bummed my fantasy summer of meems dylan katie adrian john and i all traveling and getting lost and losing our clothes and having adventures isnt real or close to happening.

oh yeah i spent a week in new york in the beginning of june, it was so fucking magical and needed and amazing and refreshing, i can only think about going again and wait in an extremely tense and anxious state until ill be graced with the opportunity.

anyway idk what else, i always wait to long to update and forget all thats going on.
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