A Hundred Wishes (cont'd)

Aug 06, 2004 23:54

77. I wish that my contacts dont blur at around 12am
76. I wish Linda would make me a copy of the Ashlee Simpson CD "I can't participate in illegal actions :-\"
75. I wish my water bottle was empty cuz I'm thirsty again
74. I wish that I had a never ending supply of gas in my car
73. I wish my room was completely done and clean all the time.
72. I wish Britney Spears was my second cousin
71. I wish Christina Aguilera could really be in my Walkaway film
70. I wish SATs were easy.
69. I wish that I could think of a good conversation starter/ice breaker for all conversations with guys, thats not about sex
68. I wish the number 69 didn't relate to sex.
67. I wish I had a better internet connection
66. I wish my cell phone plan had more text messages
65. I wish guys liked shopping
64. I wish I had another month of summer
63. I wish Ms. Lowry didn't give me a B in American Lit :(
62. I wish this bloaty feeling in my stomach would go away
61. I wish I had a virgin margarita right now
60. I wish I had The Starting Line CD.
59. I wish I could have made The Format's concert back in July
58. I wish I had more money to shop at Lloyd Center tomorrow
57. I wish that everyone would get along
56. I wish that heartbreak and heartache didn't exist
55. I wish politics weren't so complicated
54. I wish I passed my AP exam
53. I wish I gotten a higher score on SAT IIs
52. I wish Troy would let me take over his house tomorrow
51. I wish people wouldnt sign on, and sign on two seconds afterwards
50. I wish I was done with this hundred wish list

-will finish later-
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