Fic: What Aunt Dahlia Saw, Chapter Four

Apr 04, 2011 00:53

Originally posted by bertiebwriting at Fic: What Aunt Dahlia Saw, Chapter Four
Hullo all.

Sorry I've been rather out of things this week - after submitting chapter 3 I suddenly got terribly busy. I've read all your lovely comments, though and I couldn't be more grateful for the feedback and encouragement. It really makes my day.

Well, busy though I have been, I did it. A chapter four. I decided Bertie and Jeeves might need to have a little chat about everything that's going on.

Bear in mind I AM pretty much making this up as I go. As I've said before, this is a complete change from my usual approach. It feels rather like my art A-Levels when my tutor told me to try painting using the movements of my whole arm instead just the movements of my wrist; I naturally work in a very precise methodical sort of way. Now I'm writing in this slap-dash sort of way just to break myself out of this nervous cycle and to just get something done already! If it seems sloppy, that's why.

Again, this is mostly a dialogue piece. Hope you enjoy it.

Title: What Aunt Dahlia Saw: Chapter Four.
Pairing: Jeeves & Wooster
Rating: G
Summary: Another conversation in the garden. If only shrubberies could talk...
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Click here to read Chapter One

Click here to read Chapter Two
Click here to read Chapter Three

bertie, jeeves/wooster, jeeves, fan fiction, slash

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