Led Zeppelin is The Key to My Romantic Life!

Nov 10, 2006 15:16

Well we've (that is me, Amanda, and Erika) have thought of me a plan to help me win over Joey. I'm not really fond of that phrase though as it makes him sound like a trophy... an very cute trophy. I now dedicate a shut up to Amanda and Erika who while they helped devise a plan with me don't agree on Joey's attractiveness. This shut up is dedicated to them because they don't like him because he's not a high school guy!

Anyways back to what I was saying. I about smacked Mary, who previously was to help me but I don't need her anymore as I am mad at her, as she interrupted a potential conversation that could have definetely put me a good few steps closer to getting Joey. See he is a big fan of Led Zeppelin. I <3 Led Zeppelin, I'm listening to them now and they were in my CD player at the time, and I was prepared to launch into a flirty conversation with him over them but Mary choose THEN, of all times, to freaking interrupt me. Now, I have to wait for God knows how long to find another chance to strke up a conversation with him. And what makes me mad is that I am going to have to start the conversation when there he was practically throwing me a bone then. *HEADDESK*

So basically I learned that the key to Joey's heart is Led Zeppelin. MUST IMPRINT THIS INFO ON MY BRAIN!

TTFN, folks,


led zeppelin, trophy, joey

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