*looks at icon* Hehe, let's see what they say about my chest now! *mutters on about mean girls*

Apr 05, 2007 13:39

Having just read some lovely rarepair fan fic and devoured the hallmark sandwich* of my sandwich making career so far, I decided to update.

(*IM for recipe to said sandwich)

Anyways...yeah. I don't know what to say. I decided I wanted to go to Sarah Lawrence for college although the likelyhood of my actaully getting in or being finanically able is low, I like to dream.

The weather is nuts. I helped paint my papaw's garage Tuesday in shorts and a T-Shirt, it was 80-some degrees out, in the shade. Yesterday is was colder than...well hell isn't cold so I don't know, but it was COLD! I went outside and came right back in! Today, there were flurries outside the window earlier! Point made.

I added two new lovely icons so I guess that is the real reason to updating so I can display one of them. And to brag about my awesome sandwich. So yeah. Done that and toodles for now ya'll!


P.S. I finished Rebel Angels, sequel to A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray, yesterday and it is awesome! Only took like FOREVER b/c it was never in the library... which still contains yogurt in the elevator. Now that is all!

rebel angels, gatb, icons, fan fic, the hallmark sandwich

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