Jan 20, 2006 09:32
after yet another close call on the highway im still alive and able to write about it my truck did a 180 on the highway on my way home last week I know most of you are already thinking what were you doing nothing really and i dont care if you dont belive me I was quite shaken up about it and had to park my car a j's parents home and he had to come and pick me up. thank god that the other drivers avioded hitting me head on and im alive. I reall hate the snow fuck what you see on tv or in movies driving in it sucks and if your not used to it, it dosent matter how fast your going your gonna fuck up. I was driving less than 40 and on the highway no less there was no one near me for at least 4 car spaces maybe more and thats the only reason i think im alive now. cause the other cars had time to slow down and stop before hitting me head on. i dont crave death or excitment while driving honestlty if i had the money Id be chaufferd from place to place but this is just yeat another reason why i need to get the F@$%# out of dodge and move to warmer climates.
god for looking out for me