I’m a big fan of bulleted lists. They get nearly every point across you need while still providing an array of information. With that said, I give you a bulleted list. And get this: If the information provided after the bullet is negative, then the bullet will be a sad face. However, if the information is just something that provides bundles of joy, then a happy face will be present. Yes!
:-) I love Thanksgiving Break. Its not a seasonal break such as “Winter Break” or “Summer Break”, it is just a break for one holiday that gets four extra days with it. Or if you count weekends, nine days. I’ll count weekends. It’s a much more positive way to look at it. I don’t really have any plans over this break. Except for working quite a bit, among other things which will be explained in other bullets. Just hold your horses. Alright? I slept till about 12:57 today, and it was wonderful. I’m pretty sure that I had a dream that included such things as a desert and a shady amusement park. I often have dreams that occur in the desert. Is that bizarre?
:-) I went to the Ben Folds show last night, and it just amazing. Like, absolutely amazing. He puts on the best show ever. Even the Dallas Morning News loved it. They gave it an “A.” He played nearly every song that I love, and his audience participation was crazy. He has four band members. Him, his drummer, his bassist, and the audience. That’s literally what it was like. In addition to all of his songs, he also played all of his Ben Folds Five stuff, plus a rousing rendition of Dr. Dre’s “Bitches Aint’ Shit.” It was a spectacular night.
:-( I have to finish my defensive driving by tomorrow. Actually, I have to turn it into the court tomorrow. Which is fine, because I am going to finish it in the next twenty minutes. But here’s the kicker: It is an online course. I assumed at the end, they would have something to print out to verify you finished. But after further research, I now see that they mail it to you. Now remember, it is due at the court by tomorrow. And they close pretty damn early. So, if I can not come up with 27 dollars and 95 cents by tonight, then I am pretty sure I’m going to jail.
:-) Work is going so well. I recently got promoted (The use of that word is questionable) to Customer Service at Albertsons. So, I still work at Albertsons, but now, I basically just sell people cigarettes, work the video section, do an occasional return, and eat. A lot. It’s really nice. However, Brian McMahon trained me, so I am still lacking quite a bit of beneficial information back there. However, it is a really nice job, and I don’t loathe going to work anymore.
:-( Over the break, I have to read “The Great Gatsby” for AP English. I am yet to purchase it. I suppose I will do that later today. I have a copy upstairs that was my sisters, but we have to annotate it a whole lot, so I’m not even going to get started until I have my copy. Yep.
:-) I’m eating taquitos and drinking chocolate milk right now. They go surprisingly well together.
:-( I just can not master the art of a LJ cut. I realize on “rich text” mode, there is a little button for LJ cuts, and even with that, I somehow mess them up. I therefore refuse to do an all picture LJ until I have an experienced LJ cutter by my side such as Stuart Hausmann or Cory Boulieris.
On that note, I conclude this entry. All have a wonderful day. I now leave you with a picture of Brent Olechna's father eating a deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich: