Sep 18, 2009 00:25

So I had a doctor's appointment today.

Met a nice lady in the waiting room with a LOT of the same issues I have.

Got taken in by the nurse to check my vitals. I've lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks. My blood pressure is fabulous.

Nursie: Aren't we supposed to do your pap today?
Susie: I'll give you a dollar if you forget it until next time!

She did forget the test, but next time I HAVE to have it.

We discussed my legs and the neuropathy. I told her the meds she gave me are helping the pain, but now I don't know when the spasms are coming. I dropped a jar of cheez whiz in Wal-Mart last week. Very embarrassing.

I mentioned the cane again. She wanted me to have a walker. A WALKER? Do I look like I'm 90??? She's lucky I'm breaking down and asking about a cane! I'm continuing to trip on stuff, though. So, she filled out my form for a handicapped permit, signed a prescription for a cane, and gave me a B12 shot. I have to go back in 2 weeks to get another B12. She's trying to up my energy levels. Due to my diagnosis (not temporary disabilities, permanent), Medicaid should pay for 95% of the cane. If it was something temporary where I'd only need the cane for a few months they wouldn't pay for it.

I told her that I'm up until about 1, then I sleep until 6. Get up & put Ryan on the bus at 7, I'm back in bed by 8 to sleep until 10 or 11. I get up & have lunch with Mike, then around 1:30 I'm back in bed until 3. Get up and function a bit, make supper, sometimes take a nap in the chair. I sleep a LOT.

OH, and Mike tried to bunny hop his bicycle last night and landed on his head. He skidded about 12 inches on his scalp. I don't know if his hair will ever grow back in that area, he literally scraped the hair follicles off his head. He's fine, the head feels okay, but his neck hurts. He took a muscle relaxer tonight, LMAO. He's a goober when he's on deep meds. He couldn't even get across the living room without Ryan's help. :0)

diabetes, insanity, prescriptions, life, health, illness

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