my three favorite things as discovered many a night ago [presented in no particular order]: cigarettes, diet coke, seinfeld.
tonight i made $28.35 in tips. visitors i had [in order of appearance]: caitlin d berry, nelly nell, katie b, sally whitten, posner and rachel, jack off, timmy "my future husband" muntz my n00dz roommate amanda.
this morning kenny called me to wake me for class and when he came over amanda was sitting on the ground butt ass naked [totalnoodz]. she is the new naked chef. i guess.
THANK YOU JACK AND HANK FOR FINDING MY RING IN THE GRASS AFTER THE BEER WAR [aka jack spraying me with bud and me hopelessly trying to run away]. seriously thanks so much! and thanks for picking me up from work hank.
wanna make out?
my girlfriendiez are gone and its so sad. emily, caitlin, maris, sally, sars please come home.
nell and dumper are at a kappa thing. idiots. actually beer oympics sounds tight.
it is 9:55pm and Liz E 2285: i am still like 5% hung over
i am currently wearing a shirt that has a picture of a caddy and states: land yacht.
i talked to blair tonight for the first time in 21 years. he is coming to syracuse soon then im going to providence. to play with my prep friend i miss. and who told me Shagginwagon27: this summer killed my girlish figure
kim is a huge slute and still the most popular girl at whittier ooowww. yeah for hooking up with freshman.
whitney- did you die?
sassysausie: megggy i miss you
money i love you and miss you and feel really gay for saying this on lj but i dont care. come play.
orinda is moving to syracuse and it is a beautiful beautiful thing.
remember that time tim looked like the cover of that phish [i think it was phish] album + a lime and the post cuervo tears?
the marlboro chicks were at thebar last night... if you didnt get a free zippo youre nothing around here.
oh yeah, and i snuck int othe bar again last night according to lizzy. will was excited.
EVERYONE OF MY FRIENDS AT SCHOOL: LISTEN UP... you all need to make live journals it will be so fun and we can start a community. im thinking we need a south community stat. if you need help ask me because im totally smart when it comes to computers. yeah, probably the best that i know of.
im not going out tonight. watch me.