Book Mooch I've found a renewed interest in reading lately. In the last two months I've read five books. More in such a short period than I ever have before. I decided to start reading award winning sci fi books as a starting point so I started with these:
Ender's game
Speaker for the dead
Starship troopers
Right now I'm working my way through the first book in the wheel of time series, the eye of the world. So far I haven't been disappointed with any of them.
Buying new books seemed kind of silly since I am reading stuff that's been published long ago. I bought most of these books at used stores with the exception of the ender books. Then just this week I found Book Mooch.
Book Mooch is sort of a roundabout trading site. I post books I own on the site and people request them. I mail the books to them, paying for shipping myself (~2.80 per book so far) and earn points on the site which I then spend to request books from others. I posted 10 books on the site and overnight got requests for six of them. I have three more books from others on the way for me. The website and search could use some work but otherwise the concept behind it is brilliant.
Edit: I wish someone would write an iPhone app for livejournal or that livejournal would make their site more iPhone friendly...